
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Continental Oil Car

From: "Don Ball"

Can anyone direct me to a photograph of a Continental Oil Car? The cars in question were built between about 1879 to the mid-1880s and were a combination tank and box car. From the outside, it appeared to be a box car with roof hatches near the ends. I have no information on length or numbers.

—Don Ball

1 comment:

  1. From:

    There was only one car of that description built – constructed by the Brooks Loco Works.  Loaded with oil, it was sent west to Califonria, but was rejected by the Union Pacific as too heavy and returned to sender.  The boxcar body was stripped off and the steel "flatcar" was used for years at the Brooks works moving heavy objects.
    I have photos (before and after the boxcar body was removed), and patent papers.  ...

    I believe Continental Oil had other more traditional tank cars.

