
Saturday, February 02, 2008

C.P. Caboose Number 51


Quite a few years ago I got a 1/2" to the foot photocopy of a drawing from the California State Railroad Museum Library identified as:

C.P. Caboose
No. 51
Built at Sacramento Shops
October 1872

It's a drover's caboose with seats for passengers on one end and what appears to be a small cargo area at the other end. I'm part way through building a 1/8 scale model to go behind my live steam model of the CP-173. However, the drawing doesn't show the style of trucks or the style of the siding. Are there any photographs available of this caboose?

—Dick Morris, Anchorage, Alaska


  1. From:

    ... I looked again at the drawing and picked out a couple more details. The axle centers are drawn at 6 foot spacing. Although the full truck isn't shown, wooden truck wheel-pieces (side frames) are included in the drawing. That would suggest that it had passenger car trucks. The overall length of the car scales to about 50 feet.

    An interesting detail is that a brake wheel in drawn the cupola in addition to those on the platforms.

    —Dick Morris, Anchorage, Alaska

  2. From:

    Yes, the cabooses had passenger-style trucks – similar to the 32-foot cabooses. Check Tony Thompson's SP Freight Car books, vol 2 on cabooses. It includes a Dave Joslyn R&LHS drawing of the caboose – with trucks shown. I believe CSRM also has copies of that drawing, certainly in an early Pacific Coast chapter newsletter.


  3. From:

    The Northwestern Pacific Railroad Historical Society is currently restoring Petaluma & Santa Rosa Caboose No. 1 which was built by the CP Sacramento Shops in 1898. The original blueprint shows a brakewheel in the cupola. This may have been standard CPRR practice at the time.

    —Charlie Siebenthal

  4. From: "Kevin Bunker"

    If you refer to the Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society's recent book that covers SP (and CP) cabooses, you'll see images of CPRR cabooses with the proper wood-beam, swing-motion "passenger" type trucks.

