
Friday, March 07, 2008

"The Arts: Opening Party for Chinaman's Chance"

"The Arts: Opening Party for Chinaman's Chance." © Pasadena Now, March 7, 2008. (News Article)

"Pacific Asia Museum presents a multi-media exhibition that examines the diverse Chinese-American experience from the days of the Transcontinental Railroad's construction to today. Curated by Chip Tom, Chinaman's Chance: Views of the Chinese-American Experience will be on view from March 6 through July 27, and includes new works from three Chinese-American artists: Amanda Ross-Ho, Zhi Lin, and Arthur Ou. ... To conquer the treacherous terrain, workers were often suspended from the top of cliffs to plant explosives. It was from this dangerous task that the phrase 'A Chinaman's Chance in Hell' was coined. Later shortened to 'Chinaman's Chance,' the phrase unfortunately defined many immigrants' experiences. ... " [More]

[Courtesy Google Alerts.]

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