Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Re: Lines "East of Sparks"

Union Pacific had several operating entities in the Harriman era. I believe they can briefly be described as follows:

Union Pacific RR (east from Ogden)
Oregon Short Line (north and west from Ogden - to the Oregon border)
Oregon Ry & Navigation (in Oregon and Washington)
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake (south from Ogden - under OSL during early construction)
(Plus others not relevant here)

It was actually through OSL that Harriman purchased the controlling interest of Southern Pacific Company stock.

Sounds like Harriman put operating control of several parts of SP under nearby UP affiliates. Calvin sounds like the OR&N man. I'm guessing someone else had OSL.

Knowing that OSL operated the SP in Nevada, it makes more sense that OSL built the line down from Idaho during these years. I suspect it became sort of an orphan after SP and UP were separated.


Note my NEW address of kwyatt@parks.ca.gov

Kyle K. Wyatt
Curator of History & Technology
California State Railroad Museum