Feedback on your website
Please, please change the background color from red to something easier on the eyes. It is very hard to read. Lighten up the color.
Good information, but found myself squinting to read it (and I'm not an old geezer!)
—LaVell Gold
Already done! Pick the background color that you prefer using the links located up near the top of the CPRR Museum's home page where it says:
"Background Color: Red Blue Yellow Black Gray White"
The home page Red background color (that you can change, if you prefer) was chosen to match the color of Watkins stereograph cards so that the internet presentation is as intended by 19th century photographer Carleton E. Watkins and the way that most people would have seen those images in the 19th century. For the same reason, many of the exhibits use a Yellow background color that approximates the color of Alfred A. Hart stereograph cards.
From: "Ron Cluster"
Subject: Website suggestion
Please, please, PLEASE!!
Get some design help for the website. Blue type on a red background is
nearly impossible to read. ANY type on a red background is difficult to
read, but those two colors in particular are the very worst.
Dark type on a light background is better than the other way around. Red
borders if you must, but not behind the type.
I'm sure I would get a lot of information from your website if I could only
stand to look at it for more than 15 seconds......
Ron Cluster
Eugene, OR
Pick your own favorite background – see the links:
"Background Color: Red Blue Yellow Black Gray White"
on the right, near the top of the CPRR Museum's home page.
There are also several thousand other web pages.
For further explanation, see above.
This is an issue on only three of the pages, all of which give you the option to pick a variety of different backgrounds (with the text colors automatically changing to contrast with the chosen background).
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