"Sniglet" isn't in the dictionary
We were suprised to find (logical difficulties notwithstanding) that the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (which is also available on CD-ROM for computers) doesn't contain the word "sniglet."
Our favorite sniglet is prndl, which coincidentally is a transportation related term.
"Sniglet" is defined as a word that should be in the dictionary but isn't. The word comes from the HBO comedy series Not Necessarily the News.
So "sniglet," not being in the dictionary, is a sniglet. (Is there a word for a thing which is an example of itself?)
Is it cameraderie when meeting your photographer friends?
"Cancophony" is the sound that soda cans make when rolling around in the back of the car.
Presidential Sniglets: Obaminoid, Obamination, Barachnophobia, Obamonomics, Obamadon [oops ... that last one is real]
"A 'papa-razzi' mostly takes pictures of his kids."
Salve applied to the skin of a pig: 'Oinkment'
"Asymptosis, n.: The ongoing quest for perfection or improvement even after the differences and distinctions are so small that they cease to have any meaning."
MAGA-zine, n.: a publication specializing in President Trump’s favorite slogan.
AlGoreIthm: a step by step procedure for destroying the economy while having no significant effect on temperature or global climate.
Ecopolips, n.: hysterically moving the mouth to mutter inanities exaggerating about a period of time predicted to be ecologically nasty. Also spelled Epocolips.
Leftugees, n.: people fleeing high tax states.
Hermitification, n.: How I spent my Covid years ...
Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a refund from the IRS, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. (From a Washington Post word contest)
Roofinery: Rooftop solar panels producing energy while substituting for oil processed by a refinery.
Picassification, n.: to make abstract.
Schwerbles: The sensation a fish gets swimming upside down.
recombobulated —'Nunquam non paratus' [never unprepared]
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