Friday, January 13, 2006

Trains at the George Bush Presidential Library

Trains: Tracks of the Iron Horse, through July 30, 2006

"The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library undertakes its most ambitious exhibit yet - exploring America's love affair with trains. Visitors can see rare and unique items including the original gold spike that ceremonially completed the first U.S. transcontinental railroad. ... " [More]


Blogger CPRR Discussion Group said...

Railroad Events at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, College Station, Texas

January 19th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – Brian Marsh
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents Brian Marsh, president and CEO of Overland Models. He will be speaking about Overland Models and the hobby of model railroading. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

January 21st, 2006:
Ride a Quarter-Scale Union Pacific Train
Ride a Quarter-Scale Union Pacific Train Ride a Quarter-Scale Union Pacific Train The young and the young at heart now have the unique opportunity to ride a quarter-scale Union Pacific Train around Research Park on the Texas A&M campus. Visitors can get on board for $2. Tickets can be purchased at the Bush Museum ticket counter using cash, credit or check. Rides will be on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Sundays from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. and run every 30 minutes, weather permitting. Rides will be offered through July 2006. [WEEKENDS]

February 9th, 2006:
Classic Film Series – Strangers on a Train
The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library presents Strangers on a Train (1951), as part of the Classic Film Series, at 7:00 p.m. in the Presidential Conference Center. Admission and refreshments are FREE. For more information, call 979-691-4038.

February 23rd, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – Fred Fraily
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents Fred Fraily. Fred Frailey is the editor of Kiplinger's Personal Finance and a noted writer on contemporary railroad subjects with several trains magazine bylines to his credit. He will speak about contemporary railroading in the United States. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

March 30th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – John Fike
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents John Fike. John Fike is an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Telecom Technology Management at Texas A&M University. He will speak about the development of railroads in Oklahoma and Texas in the 19th century This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

April 27th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – John Hankey
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents John Hankey,former curator at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. He will speak about preservation and interpretation challenges at contemporary railroad museums. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

May 25th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – Robert Withers
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents Robert Withers. He is currently a reporter for the Huntington, West Virginia Herald-Dispatch. He is the author of "The President Travels by Train: Politics and Pullmans," which is based on his years of covering presidential campaigns and collecting campaign memorabilia. He will be speaking about presidential travel by train. The Bush Library will be offering copies of Mr. Wither's book for sale following his talk and he will be available to inscribe each copy. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

June 29th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – Bill Howes
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents Bill Howes. He will speaking about planning and operating the Eisenhower funeral train. Howes was the last Director of Passenger Operations for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad prior to the creation of Amtrak in 1971. In that capacity, Mr. Howes was charged with handling President Dwight Eisenhower's funeral train in 1969. His photographic record of that trip is one of the few comprehensive examinations of a presidential funeral train. During his presentation, Mr. Howes will share his personal recollections and slide collection. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

July 20th, 2006:
Bush Museum Issues Forum – Mark Reutter
The Bush Museum Issues Forum presents Mark Reutter, editor of Railroad History. He will be speaking about the current status of railroad history. After his talk, a limited number of Mr. Reutter's book will be available for sale. He has agreed to inscribe copies for Issues Forum guests. If you already own one of his books, please feel free to bring it with you to the presentation. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum Orientation Theater. For reservations call 691-4015.

July 27th, 2006:
Classic Film Series – The Harvey Girls
The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library presents The Harvey Girls (1946), part of the Classic Film Series, at 7:00 p.m. at NLGB. Admission and refreshments are FREE. For more information, call 979-691-4038.

[from the R&LHS Newsgroup.]

1/13/2006 7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also see, about Harvey Girls, by Lisa Morehouse, KQED:

"In partnership with the Santa Fe railroad, Fred Harvey built Harvey Houses every 100 miles. They served fancy cheeses, oysters, fruit, sirloin, and generous slices of pie. Another big attraction: waitresses known as 'Harvey Girls.' Harvey Girls were young, single, and almost always white. All I can tell you about Harvey Girls is they were young women out of the Midwest ... They were brought in here by Fred Harvey, and weren’t allowed to date. They weren’t allowed to do nothing except serve the people. Of course, plenty of Harvey Girls did marry, and relocate to farms and ranches across the West. While they were Harvey Girls, they worked long hours, lived in dorms under the watchful eyes of house mothers, and were expected to meet strict standards of decorum and image, down to their uniform. White gloves, white full cover apron with a black garment underneath. Bow in the back of the hair ... ... They were all supposed to be dressed alike. For passengers, eating at a Harvey House was an elevated dining experience, but it was more efficient than leisurely. Trains called in passengers’ orders ahead by telegraph. Say a west-bound train pulled into Needles, Calif. The conductor would come through the cars, taking orders, and contact the next Harvey House down the line in Barstow, letting staff know how many people planned to eat, and what time they’d arrive. Harvey Houses were a precursor to fast food and chain restaurants, and they helped change the intent of train travel from something that was just utilitarian, to an experience ... Dining was at the heart of the transition from conveyance to experience ... "

3/06/2025 6:15 AM  

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