Monday, August 07, 2006

S P and the Bull Dog RR

From: "Chris Graves"

I am sending along a picture of a shovel-head that is marked thus;   8  35    BULL DOG RR   S P LINES.  I am familiar with August, 1935, I have seen the railbed of the Bull Frog RR near Rhyolite, Calif., and the SP Lines is not a stranger here.  BUT, I have NEVER heard of the BULL DOG Railroad, and why would the Bull Dog RR be associated with the SP?

I would guess the BULL DOG RR refers to the type or maker of the shovel, does anyone else have a theory?

—G J Chris Graves

Bull Dog RR Shovel

Engines on the Union Pacific RR, 1883


I'm doing research for a documentary and we need photos of the type/model of passenger trains that would have been operating from San Francisco to east coast between 1880 and 1884, 1883 to be exact. Would you have any information on that or know of a good source? We need the photo's as reference to create a 3D model.

—Waylon McGuigan, Producer, Digitrove Media Production Company

CPRR Locomotive Antelope

From: "Mary Murray"

I am struggling to find a picture of a 19th century engine/train on the Central Pacific RR, named ANTELOPE, originally scheduled to deliver some dignitaries to the Promontory Pt. event, but it had an accident and was replaced for the special occasion. Is it possible you might know where a picture, frontal and/or side view, or any drawings or art of any kind, would be available for model makers? ...

—Mary Murray