Monday, August 06, 2007

Official Rail Guide, 1910

The Official Guide of the Railways, 1910 is now available online. For Union Pacific Railroad, see especially pdf pages 812-821. For Southern Pacific Railroad, see especially pdf pages 829-833. Note that these numbers are not the printed page numbers. This 1485 page volume is a huge file, so use will require a fast internet connection. Courtesy Donald R. Hensley, Jr., Tap Lines.

This pdf copy is for online reference use only. Please do not download or print. If you want a copy for your computer or to printout pages, please purchase a CD from Tap Lines.

Security During the RR's Construction


I'm interested in knowing about the security measures the RR implemented during its construction. Did it need security personnel to guard the infrastructure and keep the workers in line?

—Johnny Luo

Background information on Lee Shao?

From: "Naomi Takeuchi"

I am doing research for a children's picture book and would like to base the story on Lee Shao who is one of the three men pictured in the 50th anniversary picture of the historic date at Promontory Point that you have posted on your website.

If you have any resources which would be helpful, I would appreciate your assistance. For example, was he recruited by Charles W. Crocker? Was he one of the men who worked twelve hours straight to lay the last 10 miles? Do you know why he was one of only eight men chosen to attend the ceremony at Promontory Point?

—Naomi Takeuchi, President, 1000 Cranes®, LLC

Jackson and Sharp resources