Save the Sanderson Texas Depot from Demolition on 8/15/2011
... I'm helping Bill Smith of the Sanderson Depot Association save their 1883 Southern Pacific Historic Depot from demolition by the Union Pacific. U.P. will demolish the depot on August 15, 2011 (5 days from now). Please take a brief moment to email Union Pacific representative Clint Schelbitzki, and ask if U.P. can extend their deadlilne for this hardworking community group to continue to raise funds and relocate the depot. Link to send an email via UP's email system to Mr. Schelbitzki.
I know this is short notice, but your brief email or call could help save this unique and rare depot. If you can add how saving these depots have benefited their respective communities. I think it would also help if you include your title and affiliation with your respective communtiy group or institution.
Time is really critical – if you can do this in the next few hours or day, I'd really appreciate it. I have a special interest in this particular depot as it is a contemporary depot to my hometown of Indio, California. The Indio depot was also built in 1883 – and lost to fire in 1966, and got me interested in my current career in architecture. Maybe the saved Sanderson Texas depot will inspire future youth and be another community focal point - or - will it be just another pile of splintered wood and destroyed history.
—Jean-Guy Dube, SP Depot Historian & Draughtsman