Air Horns
Are there standard pitches for air horns? If so, what are they? If not, what pitches are generally used? Do most horns have two pitches? At what intervals? ...
—Max Zimmer
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Are there standard pitches for air horns? If so, what are they? If not, what pitches are generally used? Do most horns have two pitches? At what intervals? ...
—Max Zimmer
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 6:45 PM
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Transcontinental Railroad
Central Pacific Railroad,
Union Pacific Railroad
Railroads, Trains, Locomotives
History of the American West, Chinese railroad workers
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 12:01 AM
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