History of train conductor hats
Were can I find information on the history of train conductor hats?
—Rich Russell
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Were can I find information on the history of train conductor hats?
—Rich Russell
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:13 PM
I was thrilled to find your publication The Pacific [Tourist] by Henry T. [Williams].
I am writing a story set in 1877 that places my characters on a train from Los Angeles to the state line between Utah and Wyoming. I'd like for everything to be as accurate as possible ... do you know of any guide written in the era for the trip from Los Angeles to San [Francisco]?
Thank you so much for all your work in preserving RR history. I am old enough to remember traveling from Wichita to Philadelphia on an "old-fashioned" train with dining car and sleepers. It was a trip never to be forgotten.
—Brenda Reed
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 9:45 AM
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