Central Pacific Freight Truck Survey
Thought you all might be interested in the attached 19th century Central Pacific Railroad Freight Truck Survey.
—Kyle Wyatt
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Thought you all might be interested in the attached 19th century Central Pacific Railroad Freight Truck Survey.
—Kyle Wyatt
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 8:07 PM
Men's salaries while working on the RR: Men were paid between $1-$5 dollars per day. Immigrants were paid the lowest amount. Is this just for laying track? What were blacksmiths, cooks, carpenters, surveyors and telegraphers paid? What was a masons or a teamster paid during this time? ...
—Ron Goldfeder, St. Louis
[from the R&LHS Newsgroup.]
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 9:39 AM
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