First "intercontinental railroad"
I'm curious where the first "intercontinental railroad" was built. Russia? between Europe and Asia? ...
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
I'm curious where the first "intercontinental railroad" was built. Russia? between Europe and Asia? ...
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 11:38 AM
I finally found the contemporary account of the Chinese being honored at Promontory by Strobridge after the last spike ceremony.
Chinese Honored at Promontory
San Francisco News Letter – Supplement May 15, 1869, Vol. IX, No. XV, pg 4
Honors to John Chinaman
Mr. Strowbridge [sic], when work was all over, invited the Chinamen who had been brought over from Victory for the purpose, to dine in his boarding car. When they entered all the guests and officers present cheered them as the chosen representatives of the race which have greatly helps to build the road – a tribute which the well deserved, and which evidently gave them much pleasure.—Kyle
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:28 AM
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