Leland Stanford's business car
I have just purchased a HO brass CP Huntington locomotive and I would like to build a model of the business car used by Leland Stanford. Is there a photo of the car?
—Richard Gagnon
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
I have just purchased a HO brass CP Huntington locomotive and I would like to build a model of the business car used by Leland Stanford. Is there a photo of the car?
—Richard Gagnon
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:14 PM
Please check out this old litho that my father has owned for over 30 years. It was given to him by an old porter for the L&N Railroad in Louisville, KY, where my father and grandfather both had worked. It appears to me that this is not an L&N train. It bears a striking resemblance to a Central Pacific train. Upon close inspection it appears as though an L&N sticker has been placed over something else at the bottom of the print. ...
I am absolutely intrigued by this old dude and would love to know any info pertaining to it's history.
—Jason Franklin, Sellersburg, IN
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 8:18 AM
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