Fare of a transcontinental trip - ticket price
What was the fare of a transcontinental trip when the railroad was complete and what first stop west of Big Mountain Pass when the railroad was completed?
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
What was the fare of a transcontinental trip when the railroad was complete and what first stop west of Big Mountain Pass when the railroad was completed?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 3:48 PM
[Golden Spike Report posted online today:]
Promontory Summit, May 10, 1869
A History of the Site Where
The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads
Joined to Form the First Transcontinental Railroad,
With a Special Focus on the Tents of May 10, and with
Recommendations for Interpretation of and
Historic Furnishings Study for the
Tents at the Last Spike Site,
Golden Spike National Historic Site, Utah
Robert L. Spude, History Program
And with the assistance of
Todd Delyea, Historic Architecture Program
Cultural Resources Management
Intermountain Region, National Park Service
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 12:37 AM
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