Solano film footage wanted
... I am a student at UC Berkeley. I am working on a research project, and I would like to include film footage of the Solano. Do you know if any footage exists? If so, how would I acquire it?
—Janet Kendall
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
... I am a student at UC Berkeley. I am working on a research project, and I would like to include film footage of the Solano. Do you know if any footage exists? If so, how would I acquire it?
—Janet Kendall
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 6:28 PM
Sierra Valley (California): Back at the turn of the 20th century, this valley hosted four railroads. One lasted 40 years; one was absorbed into the Western Pacific. The other two quietly slid into "ghost railroads." Ok, so....
Little is written about these rails. Even the Sacramento RR museum only has a few items – and some "kodak moment" pictures. Calif. Historical Society has almost nothing. Afterall, who cares about these small "roads." All they did was haul lumber and dairy products (Over to Virginia City, NV).
My hypothesis: One of the railroads just might have been built to assist the Central Pacific. The Boca and Loyalton went over to Truckee. I am researching links/people who might validate this claim: that the B & L was built to supply lumber/ties to the Central Pacific [Much of the timber at the Truckee/Tahoe area was spoken for. The Nevada mines hauled volumes out for their mining and railroad needs.] The B&L was one of the earliest rails in CA, yet little is known about it or its place in rr history
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 10:04 AM
When I looked at the timetable on this link it says 1876. Is the guide really 1878?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 9:28 AM
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