CPRR locomotive "Antelope"
... I'm considering scratchbuilding a S scale model [of the CPRR locomotive Antelope], anyone I could contact to obtain more info on this locomotive? Driver size would help in scaling dimensions. ...
—Chip Bates
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
... I'm considering scratchbuilding a S scale model [of the CPRR locomotive Antelope], anyone I could contact to obtain more info on this locomotive? Driver size would help in scaling dimensions. ...
—Chip Bates
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 8:04 PM
I would like to locate some information (history) on the old stone culverts found a number of years ago along the right of way of the SAN FRANCISCO & SAN JOSE RR up in SF ?....
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 4:52 PM
Ralph Claudios Keyes was a telegrapher for the railroad back in the late 1800's. The town of Keyes, California was named after him because he was the only person that lived and worked there. Please let me know about him.
—Kenneth E. Keyes
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 2:29 PM
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