Poster of the Grand Opening
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 2:29 PM
Government Railroad Commissioners Reports for the Entire CPRR Line, Sacramento to Promontory. September 8, 1864 – May 15, 1869. Courtesy of Lynn D. Farrar.
I have made copies of all reports Sacramento to Promontory and have an explanation and foreword for them. ... They are in two hard cover three and four ring binders and weigh 13 pounds. About 60% are on legal size paper while about 40% are regular 8 1/2" x 11". I don't know if these copies are any longer available in the National Archives so they may be irreplaceable. They may be in a truckload of old records I gave the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. I have a record of what I gave them but I have to find it. ... Have ... enclosed a letter of orientation. I have ... shown the item letter(s) in the upper right hand corner of each item.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 1:05 PM
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