Track spirit level
I have 2 standard gauge track spirit levels identical to the one shown on your website. How old are they? How rare? Where can I obtain an appraisal?
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
I have 2 standard gauge track spirit levels identical to the one shown on your website. How old are they? How rare? Where can I obtain an appraisal?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 4:19 PM
I enjoyed your informative site!
I wonder if you can tell me which route an emigrant train would have taken from West Branch, Iowa to Portland, Oregon in 1885?
Would that have been the Union Pacific via Omaha, Denver and Ogden?
Would the journey have taken 7 days?
—Margriet Ruurs, writer, Oregon
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 4:10 PM
What was the size of the land grants for each mile constructed?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 10:11 AM
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