The Sins, revisited
The following link is from 2002, I guarantee you will enjoy reading the full article. —Chris
"The celebrity and the cowboy." Ventura County Reporter, April 11, 2002
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
The following link is from 2002, I guarantee you will enjoy reading the full article. —Chris
"The celebrity and the cowboy." Ventura County Reporter, April 11, 2002
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:09 PM
In the FAQ section there is some statement (based on Williams) that CP dignitaries treated directly with Piute and Shoshone Indians. Does anyone know who actually participated in such meetings and when and where these occurred?
Wendell W. Huffman
Curator of History
Nevada State Railroad Museum
2180 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 687-8291 v
(775) 687-8294 f
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 4:56 PM
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