Transcontinental Journey
How long did the journey on the Central Pacific railway take from Omaha to Sacramento? Like how many days? And were there sleeper cars on the train? What did people do for fun to pass the time?
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
How long did the journey on the Central Pacific railway take from Omaha to Sacramento? Like how many days? And were there sleeper cars on the train? What did people do for fun to pass the time?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:02 PM
I realize this is primarily about CPRR, but do you by chance have copies of leases made throughout the 1900s by Southern Pacific to others for property owned by Southern Pacific in Santa Barbara County? Do you have transport records of any sort that would show to whom shipments were delivered in Santa Barbara? If not, do you know where I may be able to obtain such documents?
—Lindsay Shinn
Lindsay G. Shinn
Mullen & Henzell L.L.P.
112 East Victoria Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 966-1501
Fax: (805) 966-9204
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 4:46 PM
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