Museum Visit
You have an interesting website however I can't find the following:
Museum Location
Hours of Operation
Admission Charges, etc.
—Jim Dittman
For places to visit, see the CPRR Museum's FAQ.
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
You have an interesting website however I can't find the following:
Museum Location
Hours of Operation
Admission Charges, etc.
—Jim Dittman
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:16 PM
... this url says that in "1864" the CPRR recruited Chinese to work on the railroad.
Odd, I thought it was after March, 1865, when Crocker told Strobridge to "go over to Auburn, and hire some Chinese." Can you help? —G J Graves
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 9:18 AM
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