Why did standard time become important?
Why did standard time become important after the transcontinental railroad was built?
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
Why did standard time become important after the transcontinental railroad was built?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 7:09 PM
Who was the person who drove the last gold spike in the transcontinental railroad.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 7:00 PM
Railfans will want to visit Johns' Western Gallery to see the locomotive paintings of Michael F. Kotowski. Kotowski's depictions of the great old engines are renowned for their technical accuracy and attention to setting. You may recognize Kotowski's work from one of Orchard Hardware Supply's railroad calendars, or from one of the limited art prints made of them. These are the original paintings, matted and framed and ready for hanging.
While you're at our web site, don't forgot to check out our broader collection of Railroadiana as well as the Latest Additions to our bookshop inventory.
—Doug Johns, Rick Wilkinson, David Silberman
Johns' Western Gallery
250 Sutter St, #350
San Francisco, CA 94108
(888) 543-WEST phone
(415) 837-0390 fax
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:27 PM
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