Picture incorrectly labeled on your website
... The [Hart 204] picture found on your website is incorrectly labeled "Heading of east portal Tunnel No. 8." It's actually "Heading of east portal Tunnel No. 6." ...
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
... The [Hart 204] picture found on your website is incorrectly labeled "Heading of east portal Tunnel No. 8." It's actually "Heading of east portal Tunnel No. 6." ...
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 6:54 PM
Hello, my name is Travis Hunsaker. I work at the Golden Spike National Historic Site at Promontory Summit Utah.
I am looking for any photos taken of the Locomotive 119 from the west side (back side) on May 10th 1869.
One of the rangers that works here (Jess Herbert) found a picture taken by Alfred A. Hart of the 119 from the west side (back Side) on May 10th 1869. It shows one of the nines backwords. We want to be as historically correct as possible, and on our replica 119 both the nines on that side of the locomotive are the right way.
We just need other photos to prove this, or proof that this photo has not been altered in any way.
If you know of any other photos from either Alfred A. Hart, or proof of the authenticity of this photo, or any other photographs that would show this view of the 119 would you please let me know. ...
—Travis Hunsaker, GOSP Manager, Golden Spike Site
Alfred A. Hart Stereoview #359. "The Monarch of the East."
[detail above; same image more magnified below]
Courtesy of Travis Hunsaker.
Alfred A. Hart Stereoview #359. "The Monarch of the East."
[magnified detail from another copy]
Courtesy of Wendell Huffman.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:52 PM
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