Description: 10" x 7.5"; single sheet, written on both sides.
The notes begin with list of nine board of director's names and share amounts issued: Huntington, Hopkins, Govr. Stanford, Philip Stanford, E. B. Crocker, D. W. Strong, Chs. Marsh, S. A. Booth, and E. Miller.
This followed by an entry regarding answer to Committee from Placer Co. that "cash has been paid as above [board shares], so far as paid."
Further notes regarding: 8,721 shares of full paid shares issued, listing amounts paid to Placer & Sacramento Counties, parties East, contractors "leaving 1074 shares issued to other parties – supposed to be for small shareholders, and bonuses East & elsewhere."
Last paragraph, second page: "There is no doubt whatsoever that the Board of Directors have not paid up their subscriptions above. Judah, one of the former directors subscribed 950 – which is not paid. Bailey, the former secretary also was a subscriber who has not been paid & in fact but a small proportion otherwise than the counties has been paid up in full." Edward Huntington Miller replaced Bailey as secretary.
Appears to be a contemporary attempt at a general accounting by an unknown party during the fundraising years before groundbreaking on January 8, 1863. An interesting fragment in search of companions and context.
Description courtesy of Johns' Western Gallery.