How long did it take to get across the country on the transcontinental railroad?
How long did it take to get across the country on the transcontinental railroad?
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
How long did it take to get across the country on the transcontinental railroad?
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:54 PM
... My great grandfather started working for the railroad around 1900 (give or take a few years), my grandmother refers to it as the Northwest Railroad in Chicago Illinois. I could not find anything on the Northwest rail, but found a lot of information on Transcontinental railroad. Is this the same railroad? If so, I was curious to know when the workers became Unionized. My grandmother told me that he fought for the Union and did become a part of it, so I was hoping you had some information on that. ...
—Tricia Rankin
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 5:25 PM
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