Locomotive diagram
... you have a locomotive diagram from 1899 showing and listing all the parts on it. Would you have another link showing a similar diagram only more modern? Particularly of a 4-6-2 Pacific class steamer.
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
... you have a locomotive diagram from 1899 showing and listing all the parts on it. Would you have another link showing a similar diagram only more modern? Particularly of a 4-6-2 Pacific class steamer.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 11:46 AM
I was looking at your web site and came across the diagram showing the "transcontinental routes in 1900." It shows several RR's that were transcontinental except one. The Great Northern Rwy is not on that drawing. GN WA the northern most Transcontinental RR. Even farther north than NPRR, yet NPRR is shown.
Maybe this is just a simple oversight and can be corrected shortly to show the GN line. It would be much appreciated. With all the splendid information on your site I will have to visit it a few times to read it all. I will recommend it to my RR friends and their families. Job well done to those who keep it going and updated.
posted from CPRR Discussion Group at 11:22 AM
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